When considering outsourcing call center services, you should find a provider that offers a quick and easy way to calculate the savings from your investment.  A simple-to-use online calculator will help you see the results you can expect by working with a specific service provider.

Addressing Outsourcing Goals

By outsourcing your call center services, you have two major goals:  adding revenue and improving productivity.  Companies that have chosen to use a call center services provider have reported significant increases in revenue.  These businesses attributed more generated revenue because they were able to schedule more appointments. 

For example, the right service provider will be able to scale to a company’s requirements as needed.  A well qualified call center services provider can assist by adding staff during your peak times.  They can also provide 24-hour scheduling if you need to better serve your patients, clients or customers.

Next, the right call center services company will take your business operations to levels you haven’t seen before.  After outsourcing, one company said it was scheduling an average of almost a dozen more appointments each day.

Calculating the Impact

Experienced providers of call center services will know how their solutions will affect your revenues and productivity.  By providing an online calculator, they can estimate the impact to your bottom line for you. 

To begin the process, the calculator will ask you to input just a few figures and then it will calculate all the other costs that will make up your total annual call cost of running your call center.

For example, AnswerNow, a premiere answering service and bilingual call center service provider, developed a sophisticated call center calculator that’s available on the company’s website.  This tool helps companies determine the investment they’re making in outsourcing call center services. 

In addition, the calculator allows companies to more easily evaluate various call center solutions.  Each organization should experience top and bottom line results from working with their chosen provider.

How the AnswerNow Call Center Calculator Works

AnswerNow’s call center services calculator asks for three annual cost items:

  1. Your total call center labor cost
  2. The cost of your call center manager
  3. The total number of call center employees

Then, the calculator uses your figures to automatically calculate your annual call center costs.  Using its experience, industry standard metrics and best practices, AnswerNow develops mathematical equations for each cost item to arrive at realistic and accurate figures.

Based on the three figures above, the cost item categories calculated are then added to arrive at a total annual cost of operating the call center.  The total outsourcing cost would include items such as:

  • Payroll Incidentals
  • Insurance Benefits
  • 401K or Benefits Program
  • Paid Time Off
  • Paid Holidays
  • Incidental Bonuses
  • Headsets
  • Chairs
  • Computers
  • Phone / Internet
  • Hiring Costs
  • Training
  • Overhead
  • Utilities

Why Outsourcing Call Center Services Makes Sense

Companies outsource call center services for a number of reasons.  They may not have the internal staffing to support the call center function.  They may want to save time and money.  Or they may want to remove the call center function so the company’s managers and employees can focus on more strategic initiatives. 

Whatever the reason, organizations outsource because they gain clear and measurable advantages.  Some of these benefits include:

  • Expertise and Speed – When companies outsource call center services to a third-party provider, they’re enlisting the help of experts in the field who have the latest tools to help do the work.   These capabilities enable providers to often work quicker than what can be accomplished by the company’s in-house staff.
  • Internal Productivity – Because the call center function is not being conducted in-house, employees and managers can devote their time to more important projects.  With productivity improved, everyone within the organization can work together to achieve corporate goals.
  • Shared Responsibility and Risk – When you move call center functions to a service provider, the vendor shares the responsibility for running the operation.  Along with shared responsibility comes shared risk.  In other words, someone else becomes responsible and assumes the operational risks.  And by selecting the most qualified provider, you greatly lower the risk.
  • Operational Costs – Using a call center services vendor eliminates the hiring of call center personnel.  Staffing and managing a call center can be very pricey.  In addition, companies don’t have to invest in the technology and facilities necessary to run an advanced call center.  The ability to significantly lower costs is the major benefit to outsourcing call center services.

Working with AnswerNow

Certainly cost and productivity advantages make using a call center a smart choice for most businesses. For these results to be achieved, you must select the right call center services provider.

By partnering with AnswerNow, the company’s clients were able to improve performance considerably, including adding more revenue and boosting productivity.  AnswerNow offers:

  • A highly qualified, trained staff
  • A team committed to your company and growing with you
  • Bilingual capabilities
  • Real-time accessibility to serve customers, clients or patients 24/7/365
  • Advanced technologies to support your call center functions
  • Proven quality assurance programs, monitoring and reporting

Once you determine your call center provider has the capabilities and services you require, you can focus on developing a true partnership.  The call center should be an extension of your in-house operation that delivers a top-notch first impression!

To calculate the costs to outsource your call center, visit AnswerNow’s website.  In addition to the call center services calculator, you’ll also find an abundance of other tools and resources readily available.